--- Comment #4 from Markus Mohrhard <> ---
Hey David,

sorry that it took me a bit to come back to your question but we were in a bit
of release hurry the last days ;)

As I mentioned in my first comment we have inherited quite a lof of java based
API tests that in the end test c++ code. This is horrible to debug and quite
slow and we have actually a framework to do the same in c++ for a bit more than
1,5 years now.

The old java based tests can be found in qaDevOOo/ The code is divided between
the code that is necessary to setUp the test and the test for an interface.
This corresponds to our API definition in offapi as the part for the service
definition and the interface definition.

You can find some of the transformed tests in test/ and sc/qa/extras/

Inside test/ you can find the code to test an interface and in sc/qa/extras/
you can find the code that is necessary to setUp a test. if you search for the
name of the file in the code in sc you normally also find the interface/service
implementation inside sc/source/ui/unoobj/

If you want to start with some tests that have been disabled you can look into

You can also see a list of java tests that have been already converted. Please
ignore the accessibility tests. Right now they are in a really bad shape and we
have not yet decided what will happen to the accessibility code in the future.

Please don't hesitate to ask for more information.

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