--- Comment #52 from Mehmet gelisin <> ---
Using 64-bit Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1 with 4.0.4-040004-generic kernel
LibreOffice version:
Build ID: 0a16c3dda4150008d9be6f24cbd15ac198d116d3
Locale: et-EE (et_EE.UTF-8) 

Writing long comments will scroll automatically the comment first row to screen
and writing place at the end remains unvisible from screen.

Same situation - activating comment window to improve already written comment
firstly will mark bunch of text because it tries to scroll long comment first
row to screen and therefore will automatically mark a lot of text. It means
that if the long comment was scrolled to the  end
and then tries to edit that comment - it means to write something to the end of
long comment then it will automatically scroll the first row at the same time
when activating comment editing and therefore will mark all text because mouse
left cursor is pressed down and this means also text marking due to automatic

Here is one exception - when inserting long comment in case there is one
comment before (upwards) then there will be scroll bar until there will be
finished first editing session. But when once click outside the comment and
then again back to improve it - then this error starts again - first row will
be scrolled to the screen and downside of comment goes out of the screen and is
not  viewable and thus hard to edit. Workaround
is to write comment in some external text editor and just copy to the
appropriate place, usually in the end of long comment.

Using 64-bit Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1 with 4.0.4-040004-generic kernel
LibreOffice version:
Build ID: 0a16c3dda4150008d9be6f24cbd15ac198d116d3
Locale: et-EE (et_EE.UTF-8) 

Writing long comments will scroll automatically the comment first row to screen
and writing place at the end remains unvisible from screen.

Same situation - activating comment window to improve already written comment
firstly will mark bunch of text because it tries to scroll long  comment first row to screen and therefore will
automatically mark a lot of text. It means that if the long comment was
scrolled to the end and then tries to edit that comment - it means to write
something to the end of long comment then it will automatically scroll the
first row at the same time when activating comment editing and therefore will  mark all text because mouse left cursor is pressed
down and this means also text marking due to automatic scrolling.

Here is one exception - when inserting long comment in case there is one
comment before (upwards) then there will be  scroll bar
until there will be finished first editing session. But when once click outside
the comment and then again back to improve it - then this error starts again -
first row will be scrolled to the screen and downside of comment goes out of
the screen and is not viewable and thus hard to edit. Workaround is to write
comment in some external text editor and just copy to the appropriate place,
usually in the end of long comment. 
Using 64-bit Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1 with 4.0.4-040004-generic kernel
LibreOffice version:
Build ID: 0a16c3dda4150008d9be6f24cbd15ac198d116d3
Locale: et-EE (et_EE.UTF-8)

Writing long comments will scroll automatically the comment first row to screen
and writing place at the end remains unvisible from screen. 

Same situation - activating comment window to improve already written comment
firstly will mark bunch of text because it tries to scroll long comment first
row to screen and therefore will automatically mark a lot of text. It means
that if the long comment was scrolled to  the
end and then tries to edit that comment - it means to write something to the
end of long comment then it will automatically scroll the first row at the same
time when activating comment editing and therefore will mark all text because
mouse left cursor is pressed down and this means also text marking due to
automatic scrolling.

Here is one exception - when inserting long comment in case there is one
comment before (upwards) then there will be  scroll
bar until there will be finished first editing session. But when once click
outside the comment and then again back to improve it - then this error starts
again - first row will be scrolled to the screen and downside of comment goes
out of the screen and is not viewable and thus hard to edit. Workaround is to
write comment in some external text editor and just copy to the appropriate
place, usually in the end of long comment.

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