--- Comment #10 from Lars Jødal <> ---
Some further thoughts on updates of the pre-installed extensions. In short, I
am beginning to think whether this should be considered a bug or a feature.

Pre-installed extensions, like relevant dictionaries, come with the
installation. As noted in this thread / bug report, updates to these extensions
are not found by the automatic system, even if the user actively seeks for
updates of extensions.

>From one perspective (my own original), this is a bug: If there is a new
version of e.g. a dictionary on the official extension site, the new version
should be found, so the user can install it.

>From another perspective, however, it may be considered a feature: An extension
that is part of the installations package may be more thoroughly tested than an
updated version that is found on the extension site, but which have not (yet)
become part of the installation package. In that light, it may be considered
preferential that the user should manually install such updates.

In any case, it seems that manually installed updates takes preference over
extensions coming with the installation package. 
The advantage of this is that if a user has installed a specific version of any
extension, updating LO to a new version will not change this specific version. 
The disadvantage is that if a user has once manually installed a new version of
e.g. a dictionary, then this user will not get advantage of even newer versions
coming with the general package. For the individual user, this can be solved by
uninstalling the manually installed extension. If there is pre-installed
version of that extension "behind" the manual install, then it will appear when
the manual install is removed.

Summing up: The system not finding new versions of extensions found on the
official extension web site can be surprising. But it may be argued that this
is the best solution, and hopefully developers working with dictionaries and
other pre-installed extensions will make new (and well-tested) versions part of
the standard distribution.

So perhaps this bug should be closed as RESOLVED - NOTABUG? Or what do others

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