--- Comment #10 from Mark Hung <> ---

Printing in vertical layout always uses ExTextOutRenderer[1]. That is, it uses
ancient, magical, messy Win32 API, ExtTextOutW, to render the text.

To render CJK upright text in vertical writing with ExtTextOutW, one has to
prepend a '@' to the font name and call CreateFontIndirectW to create a
different font. But for some other characters, one needs to create different
font with altered escapement and orientation to force 90 degree rotation. Those
were removed in bibisected fault commit[2]. 

Even if the commit is reverted, I still don't know how to make offset correct
for ExtTextOutW. Positions from HarfBuzz doesn't work well with ExtTextOutW.

More correct way other than tweaking the position by experiments:
- Make DWriteTextOutRednerer works with a printing DC, maybe by create a
compatible DC and bitbliting it, or create command list feature introduce in
- Make Skia works with printing. Check with Luboš Luňák, maybe he has an idea
how to print on SKia.
- Treat different logical font created with CreateFontIndirectW(), as fallback
font. ( i.e. Glyphs that needs a force rotated font has to be renered in
fallback layout with the rotated font. )

Non of them are easy for me, but I'll try to come out a commit that revert[2],
that at least improves character orienation.


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