--- Comment #15 from Yaroslav Serhieiev <> ---
P.S. Two more clarifications:
1. I meant not adding, rather changing art-x-interslv to art-Latn-x-interslv.
Maybe I did not formulate it well, so I am reiterating to be on the safe side.
2. Would you need help with providing a list of translations for the entry? I
mean like:

en Interslavic
ru Межславянский язык
pl Język międzysłowiański
uk Міжслов'янська мова
sr Међусловенски језик
cs Mezislovanština
sh Međuslovenski jezik
bg Междуславянски език
sk Medzislovančina
hr Međuslavenski jezik
be Міжславянская мова
sl Medslovanščina
mk Меѓусловенски јазик
hsb Mjezysłowjanšćina
rue Міджіславяньскый язык
dsb Mjazysłowjańšćina
cu Мєждоусловѣньскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ

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