--- Comment #5 from ---
After studying this problem with some coworkers, we determined what we think
the root of the problem is-

When you have select activated ( <shift> ) and move the cursor in any manner,
the active cell is not moving, it is staying at the starting location of the
selection process.  This is a radically different (and broken) behavior.  What
is expected is that when you move during a selection, the active cell moves.

Example One:

* Click on cell A1
* Press and hold <shift>
* Now press <right>
* Note the active cell (the cell with the bold border outline) is still A1 and
not B1 as it should be.

You can also see the broken behavior with the mouse.  Example Two:

* Click on cell A1
* Drag out a selection with the mouse by holding down the first button.
* Without letting go, notice that the active cell (the cell with the bold
border outline) is still A1 and not the cell where the mouse cursor is/was
located, as it should be.
* When you let go of the mouse button, it is still showing the wrong cell as
active (the start of the selection instead of the end).

This above behavior explains why the <shift><control> behavior is also broken. 
When you activate <control>, it is looking at the data in the row or column of
the *ACTIVE CELL*.  Since the active cell is not moving properly with the
keyboard arrow keys during a selection ( <shift> ), it is looking at the wrong
column or row and responding the wrong way.

We also found a workaround for the problem, it is a different way of trying to
select regions of data, but it is too complex right now for me to try and
explain without a visual attachment.

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