--- Comment #14 from ---
Thank you for all your work on fixing this bug.  I have tested LO v7.3.2.2 and
find that when a .doc(x) file is imported into LO without dates and times for
tracked changes, it places 2010/01/01 00:00:00 in the time and date fields and
these are saved with the changes when exported to an .odt file.  Author names
are changed to Author1, -2, etc.  However, when the tracked changes are
examined in the tracked changes window (Edit/Changes/Manageā€¦), LO locks up. 
This is true for .doc(x) files and .odt files derived from them.  LO also locks
up at other irregular times when these files are examined.  This problem has
existed ever since v7.2.4.1, when the option to "Remove personal information on
saving" was introduced (Preferences/Security/Optionsā€¦), but I had been hoping
that it would be fixed along with the bug I reported.  Since I used the tracked
changes features in LO, including the manage changes window, I am unable to use
versions of LO newer than v7.1.8.1.

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