--- Comment #5 from elias estatistics <> ---
Please watch video fully. (i was not very organized at first minutes).

a) Calc opens with clean profile in safe mode - ~1GB mem (out of 8gb)  
b) I open my formula workbook (A)
c) I open simple html file from calc (B)
d) copy html tables to formula sheet
e) then copy the new produced tables to a 3rd workbook (C)
f) close (B) and save (C)

1) I repeat this process about 9 times or less.
2) It is clearly seen that when open html file and copy tables to formula sheet
about 500mb memory are charged each time (1 time 1GB !)
3) When finished, I closed ALL workbooks except the simplest one (C)
4) C workbook had only 1 sheet with tables without formulas... mem at ~5.5GB. 
5) I even delete entirely that sheet with tables, leaving open only an empty
6) mem at 5.5GB for about ~3 whole minutes without even later to goes down to

My questions:

a) Even when i copied tables and formulas were calculated, why 500mbs of mem
data were produced? The formula workbook was loaded already... in these 500mbs
of mem, they are saving also every recalculation that is processed previously
from formulas or what? 
---I repeat - i copied about 20-30 text tables ONLY....this is a load of 500mb
of mem?

b) Even when i am closing ALL except the simplest one, memory is not emptied
from CALC.... why??? Why is keeping past useless data in memory even when only
an empty sheet is open???

I repeat:
a) make a complicated large formula sheet that produce something from tables...
b) repeat many times this process... and watch memory...
c) then close all workbooks except the simplest one... 
d) memory is not emptied

I think this is a very serious bug cause causing to my computer to hung....
cause memory is getting full...

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