--- Comment #12 from zzz <> ---
Timur, thanks for investigating.
For practicality, merging the tracking task to bug 98275 is OK for me, as long
as the issue is recognized and processed. Comment 12 (2020-08-22) in 98275
"from Firefox 79.0 / Can't paste Image... Why?" does sort of cover 134031
(although it seems not have been filed, and subsequently got ignored. Scary.).

Regardless of how it is administered, however, bug 98275's title is very
different from my problem. That is why I couldn't find 98275 to be related.
(1) "PNG image": To me, problem 134031 happens regardless of file format (at
least for PNG and JPG).
   e.g. which I pasted
in Comment9 says it is JPG
   also fails to paste on Calc. Haven't checked for other formats.
(2) "with alpha channel": Problem 134031 fails to paste any file, transparent
or not, although I don't know about image format technicalities. The only thing
I know is that "alpha channel" is somewhat related to transparent
background(?). I don't even know how to find a "non-alpha channel(?)" file. Is
this JPG file one of it?:
   this also fails to paste on Calc.
(3) "pasted from clipboard": Only this part is common with problem 134031.
(4) "has black background": I was aware of this symptom happening on Draw, but
it still pastes "something". Pasting nothing at all seems a different bug to

Actually, the 98275 symptom was probably the reason why I initially avoided
as example data. That was because I was afraid that my issue would be
sidestepped on the grounds that "Oh, even if the paste problem is repaired,
what you get is only a dirty black box. Will you really want that?. Low
priority. Bug closed. Have a nice day.", or misunderstood as
another-report-of-that-same-old-black-background-problem. So I chose a random
image on web that did show only the 134031 without the 98275 black background
bug. My bad choice because that webpage had a separate problem,

Also, the browser dependency is different.
* bug 134031 is source-dependent. It happens only when the source is Firefox.
Chrome or other apps works correctly as source. Comment 12 in 98275 seems to
imply that bug 134031 is also dependent on Firefox's version (older Firefox
pasted correctly, besides the image quality).
* bug 98275 reports (except the separate problem in Comment 12,) are unclear of
whether the symptom is dependent on source apps. The example just happened to
be from a browser, or unmentioned, that does not mean it only happens from
browsers. In my experiment,
   * copying the LibreOffice black logo from Draw and pasting it to Writer
still makes it black.
   * opening the LibreOffice logo.png from IrfanView then copy from IrfanView
to Draw or Writer still makes it black.
 So I guess bug 98275 is source-independent.

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