--- Comment #51 from ---
(In reply to Caolán McNamara from comment #49)
> > I tested this fix and it seems to significantly improve the font rendering.
> > However, I think it only improves Writer while the other modules remain
> > unchanged. Is this correct and if so, is the transfer to the other modules
> > planned as well? In my opinion, bringing this improvement to Impress is
> > really important.
> Yeah, right now this is only for writer. That was because writer was the
> only module with the special hack to adjust the positions, so there was two
> things, the removal of the hack and then the extra adjustments to the
> rendering. As far as I know there isn't such a hack in the other modules,
> but it is possibly that making the associated rendering changes either
> universal or used by some of the other modules might be an improvement.
> But I'd like to be sure that the problem in impress is something that is
> affected by this sort of stuff. Is it possible to file a bug with something
> reproducible for what you see in impress so I could see if I'm able to
> perceive a difference if we attempt that. (put me on cc on the new issue)

For me the font rendering issues were pretty much the same across all LO
programs. The best way to reproduce it is just to insert some dummy text (lorem
ipsum), select a font and size (personally I prefer Arial 12 pt because it is
most easily recognizable here, still the issue is the same with all fonts) and
adjust the zoom level a bit. Zooming in and out will easily show neighbored
'wide' characters smearing into each other (e.g. 'm' and 'p') while smaller
ones ('l' or 'i') show asymmetric/ugly spacings. Also, exporting the file to
PDF and open it with a PDF viewer or alternatively in parallel do the same with
MS Office easily shows the "untidy" font rendering of LO.

Thanks to you, these issues seems to be (mostly or completely?) fixed in Writer
now. Still, in the other apps I still noticed them. In my opinion, fixing them
in Impress is most important because here, the untidy rendering is not only
shown to the user but also to the whole audience.

The reason is definitely not HarfBuzz (there are rumors about that coming from
switching to HarfBuzz on macOS some time ago), I tested this by rendering some
text with HarfBuzz using OpenCV. I supposed that it might have something to do
with either the missing floating point glyph positioning (as discussed in the
linked bug) or that LO places all characters instead of the whole string (e.g.
a whole line of text). But the code is rather complex to analyze this further.

As your fix seems to resolve this in Writer, I would highly appreciate bringing
it to the other LO programs as well. I hope this is possible.

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