--- Comment #16 from Rafael Lima <> ---
Hi Orwell, can you please test if this macro does what you need?

Sub ClearEverything
    ' Get the current selection
    Dim oSel as Object
    oSel = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection

    ' Dispatch helper to use the CDF command
    Dim oProvider as Object
    Dim oDispHelper as Object
    oProvider = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    oDispHelper = CreateUnoService("")

    ' First of all apply the CDF command to the entire selection
    oDispHelper.executeDispatch(oProvider, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", ,

    ' Traverse all text ranges
    Dim rangeCount as Integer, i as Integer
    Dim oEnum as object, oElement as Object
    rangeCount = oSel.getCount()
    For i = 0 To rangeCount - 1
        ' Traverse all text elements
        oTextRange = oSel.getByIndex(i)
        oEnum = oTextRange.createEnumeration()
        Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements()
            oElement = oEnum.nextElement()
            With oElement
                ' Clear paragraph style
                .ParaStyleName = "Default Paragraph Style"
                ' Cleat character style
                .CharFontStyleName = ""
                .CharFontStyleNameAsian = ""
                .CharFontStyleNameComplex = ""
                .CharStyleName = "No Character Style"
                ' Clear list format
                .ListId = ""
                .NumberingIsNumber = False
                .NumberingStyleName = ""
            End With
    Next i
End Sub

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