--- Comment #5 from ---
Thanks for the response.
Steps taken:

Open libreoffice sheetX.ods
Go to Tools menu
Go to Macros
Go to Organize Macros
Go to LibreOffice Basic
Open sheetX.ods choice
Open Standard
Select/open Module3
Select TestA macro in Module3
Select Assign from right side menu
(Lo then presents Customize menu)
Right side: Select Target .. Tools
Go to left side and select 
Category .. Macros
Open sheetX.ods choice from macro list
Select Module3, select TestA macro
Use "Add Item" arrow (right pointing toward Function section)
TestA macro appears in Tools list.
Move TestA down in Tools list to appropiate position.
Click OK option at bottom. (** see note at end re behavior change using v7 at
this point **)
Then Close.

For version 6 this returns to the open spreadsheet (sheetX.ods)

The Tools menu now displays TestA option and that option now executes the macro
TestA when selected. Spreadsheet can be closed normally and subsequently
reopened with the TestA macro option still in Tools menu and functional.

(** at the point marked above by the note, when using v7 the sheet
automatically aborts .. closes ? .. and the attempt to reopen results in
"Recovery" option menu. 
Recovery results successfully but the Tools option list is back to "before the
Assign attempt", the macro is still available in the module 3 and can be run
using Tools/Macros/Run Macro function. **)

The Assign process is the fail. Works as described for V6, fails as described
is using V7.

I have fallen back to V6 to use this function.

An aside is when the sheetX is modified using v6 and LO is upgraded to v7 the
Tools list contains the macro assigned using v6 and can be run normally from
the Tools menu. So the fail is in v7 Assign process code.

All attempts in this example are run on current Windows 11 home system, version

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