--- Comment #5 from Mishy <> ---

Same issue happens with all "," (comma) separator using languages, like
Hungarian, German...

It should be fixed, as it happens frequently to type numbers first in a cell,
then need to adjust it later with a simple "multiply" or "add" like: "4,5" to
"=2*4,5" or "=B1*4,5". Or using complicated functions gathered from our older
documents and we need to readjust the numbers every time when we need to modify
it and the text in a cell could be 100+ char long, with constants in some
random places with decimal separator!

Localized function names not only used for Copy-Paste but for easier handling
and finding. English function names mostly better than some pretty brain-dead
loalized function names what I would not find ever AND I do not want to learn
all of them in any other laguage what I may facing with!

If you (QA) think that it is normal to use DOT instead of COMMA in eglish
functions, think about the tousends of scientific users who SHOULD use
localized numbers BUT they dealing with lot of abbreviations and names in
almost only ENGLISH.

I guess the best would be to set a checkbox beside the "Use English Function
Names" with option like "Use dot in functions for decumal separator" which
maybe defaulted to ON but can be set by user.
And not the opposite! As under the Language Setting I have "decimal key = ,"
set, and even than, it is not handling the comma within fuctions just shows the
comma in the results.


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