--- Comment #5 from Callegar <> ---
The fonts in the PDF document are indeed reported as Type1 (you check them with
the `pdffonts` utility as well, rather than using the information window in the
PDF viewer).

With this you get:

name                                 type              encoding         emb sub
uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- ---
--- ---------
BAAAAA+SourceSansPro-Light           Type 1            Builtin          yes yes
yes     24  0
CAAAAA+SourceSans3-Bold              Type 1            Builtin          yes yes
yes     19  0
DAAAAA+ArialMT                       TrueType          WinAnsi          yes yes
yes     29  0
EAAAAA+SourceSans3-Regular           Type 1            Builtin          yes yes
yes     14  0
FAAAAA+SourceSans3-It                Type 1            Builtin          yes yes
yes      9  0

The fonts file are originally OpenType fonts. To the best of my understanding,
OTF fonts can either contain font data in a TrueType-like format or in a
Type1-like format, the main difference between the two being that the TrueType
format encodes the font contours in quadratic splines, while Type1 uses cubic
splines (and should, at least in principle, have a potential advantage in
rendering quality). When the fonts get "embedded" in a PDF document, it is the
actual font data that gets embedded, so that any font diagnostics will either
report "TrueType" or "Type1".

On github, Adobe distributes either the fonts as OTFs or TTFs. In both cases
you get fonts that are recognized as OpenType by the system, but the OTF fonts
contain Type-1 font data, while the TTF fonts contain TrueType font data.

I am on Linux and in this case the fonts can be installed in multiple ways. If
you have Arch/Manjaro, then they come with the distro,  in the
`adobe-source-sans-fonts` package. The Arch/Manjaro package uses the OTF
version of the font, with the expectation that it should be (slightly) higher

However, I have also tried with an Ubuntu system, where the font is not
available out of the box. In this case, I have downloaded the
`` file from
`` and unpacked
it into the `.fonts` directory in my home (in some systems you need to use
`.local/share/fonts`). So that the fonts can be found by `fontconfig`.

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