--- Comment #12 from Jim Avera <> ---
> [pasting] multiple-cells content, eg. "1<tab>2<tab>3"?

Doesn't the same thing happen if you type those 5 keystrokes instead of pasting
them, i.e. a tab advances to the next cell?  If not, what is the desired
difference in behavior (between pasting multiple cells and typing 1<tab>2

> What if the clipboard contains an image? 

What should happen, for the best user experience?  Current behavior is
anomalous: If you click once in a cell and paste an image, the image overlays
any text in the cell, but the image is anchored *to the page* not to the cell
so the image will move to cover random other cell(s) when row heights change; 
If you double-click to enter edit mode, then LO refuses to paste an image
(Ctl-V does nothing).

My first thought is that images should by default be treated like characters,
so mixing characters and images can be done usefully: If in edit mode, then
Ctl-V with an image in the cb would paste the image and anchor it to the
preceding character, offset horizontally to start just after that character; if
there is no preceding character then anchor to the cell at the upper-left
corner.  I don't understand why anchoring to the page is ever useful, but a
user could always change the "Anchor" property after pasting if they wanted

> What scenario makes it necessary to modify the pasted content (thinking of 
> the opposite where users definitely do not want to change the pasted data but 
> have to press escape to leave the edit mode)?

I'm not sure I understand this question.  I'm saying LO should *not* modify the
pasted content (currently it does -- it *deletes* pasted content when something
else is input).   If a user pastes and then types backspace, then yes the
pasted content should be modified; but in that case the user explicitly
initiated the modification.

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