--- Comment #7 from Przemysław <> ---
>From search "LibreOffice doesn't read WM_CLASS". As you are more knowlegeable
than me you could make the homework yourself.

▶Libreoffice wm_class error : r/qtile›r/qtile/comments…libreoffice_wm_class…

When I open libreoffice, the client hooks are fired twice. The first time I get
an empty list for wm_class but, the second time, the value is correct. You
could probably just check for an empty list and ignore it. Reply reply. ...
Instead of wm_class, I match for title, using regex to cover all LibreOffice
programs. The function goes like this:
Match(title=re.compile('.*LibreOffice.*')) So for it's worked in every case I'd
expect it to, and never in unexpected cases, so I haven't bothered to try out
other potentially more safe methods. I believe you'll need to import re in your
config for regex. Скрыть

▶Unable to match LibreOffice wm_class for spawning into...›qtile/qtile/issues/3414

Does it work for all windows listed in wm_class? I think (but haven't checked)
that, for wm_class, the code works by checking whether the client's wm_class is
in the list of classes in the Match object. So, yes, I think it should actually
work. For LibreOffice, maybe there's an issue with the splash screen that comes
up first. ... Is there any way I can maybe write a quick sentence about this on
the qtile wiki in case anyone is interested in targeting LibreOffice's wm_class
or is it not worth it as people can just search the issues? Sorry, something
went wrong. Copy link. Скрыть

▶701757 – can't get proper WM_CLASS association for...›show_bug.cgi…

my current guess is that libreofice changes WM_CLASS after mapping the window
and we don't handle that correctly and are racy <notting> wmclass:
libreoffice-calc, <untracked> <walters ... Indeed, you guys wanted WM_CLASS set
to libreoffice-something and it is.  

▶Bug 649315 – can't get proper WM_CLASS association for...›show_bug.cgi…

Ideally, LibreOffice would set the correct WM_CLASS before even mapping a
window. It would be nice to get a base "base" application on startup too. But
if we want this to work, we need to monitor the WM_CLASS property and adapt to
changes. Comment 2 Bill Nottingham 2011-05-03 19:47:56 UTC. Note that if I open
documents of multiple types, they're grouped under the icon/class of whatever
the first one opened was. ... This should help detect applications for windows
that set their WM_CLASS after mapping. Comment 5 Colin Walters 2011-05-24
23:41:30 UTC. Oh crap, sorry Jasper - I didn't see you'd already worked on
this. Your mutter patch looks fine, but I think my gnome-shell one is better.
In my testing we actually need to recalculate the focus-app. Скрыть

▶119202 – LibreOffice apps should not change their...›show_bug.cgi…

When you launch (for example) LO Writer, it creates a generic window with the
class WM_CLASS "libreoffice LibreOffice 6.0". After a moment, it changes the
WM_CLASS to "libreoffice libreoffice-writer". This causes issues in KDE Plasma: ... With gtk3 under wayland we
don't change the WM_CLASS (or equivalent) which gives rise to the issues of bug
100158. See vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3gtkframe.cxx with the // rhbz#1334915,
gnome#779143, tdf#100158 comment so it is possible to survive without changing
the WM_CLASS. that said we've changed the WM_CLASS for years and years, so
"This bug affects all LO 6.x apps. It was not present in 5.x." sounds odd to me
wrt the WM_CLASS hackery. Скрыть

▶Unable to match LibreOffice wm_class for spawning into group›…qtile-qtile…to…libreoffice-wm_class…

I am trying to get LibreOffice (including Impress, Calc etc…) to appear in a
certain group when spawned. I have managed to do this for lots of other
programs. Below is the relevant section in my config. ... I checked with xprop
and I am in fact targeting the correct wm_class, but I cannot seem to get it to
work. I disabled the splash screen but still no success. Does anyone have any
experience with this kind of problem? Скрыть

▶Unable to match LibreOffice wm_class for spawning into...›qtile/qtile/issues/3414

matches is a list of Match objects, so you need a new Match for each wm_class,
rather than a list of classes. Try: Group( "6", label="DOC", matches=[.
Match(wm_class="libreoffice-writer"), Match(wm_class="libreoffice-calc"),
Match(wm_class="libreoffice-impress"), Match(wm_class="libreoffice"),
Match(wm_class="atril"), ] ), from qtile. JoaoDDuarte commented on February 24,
2023. ... Is there any way I can maybe write a quick sentence about this on the
qtile wiki in case anyone is interested in targeting LibreOffice's wm_class or
is it not worth it as people can just search the issues? from qtile.
elParaguayo commented on February 24, 2023. Скрыть

▶[gentoo][awesome] LibreOffice - не открывается... | Форум›forum/desktop/6379010

Ошибка в том, что запуске libreoffice он открывается на _текущем_ теге, но
когда нажимаю, например, Ctrl+P (печать) - то окно печати открывается на
_заданном_ 4-ом теге. Классы окон взял из xprop. Кто как настроил работу офиса
для awesome? В чем ошибка и как ее исправить? Скрыть

▶[Solved] LibreOffice Writer misbehaving / Applications...›viewtopic.php…

It's the same behaviour I get when I run libreoffice --writer on the console.
22 сентября 2022
XdndAware(ATOM) = BITMAP WM_NAME(STRING) = "Untitled 1 - LibreOffice Writer"
_NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Untitled 1...
23 сентября 2022

▶Libreoffice wm_class error - r/qtile›…qtile/comments/13ptb7z/libreoffice_wm_class…

i want to assign libreoffice apps to workspaces. it works with everyother app,
but doesnt work with libre office. I get this error: Traceback (most recent
call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/libqtile/", line
404, in fire i(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/parham/.config/qtile/",
line 536, in assign_app_group wm_class = client.window.get_wm_class()[0] ~^^^.
IndexError: list index out of range. ... I use a bit of a hack to get
LibreOffice on one workspace. Instead of wm_class, I match for title, using
regex to cover all LibreOffice programs. The function goes like this:
Match(title=re.compile('.*LibreOffice.*')) Скрыть

▶python - WM_Class ignored and icons of running app...›questions…wm-class…doesnt…with…a

17 авг 2021 · 1 ответ
So why does it not combine the icons if I already put the WM_CLASS property in
the desktop file? 2.32.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 amd64 JavaScript engine library from
WebKitGTK+ ii libreoffice-gtk3 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office
productivity suite -- ...

> readonly - Libre Office Base; Opens reports in read-only
3 ответа
16 дек 2014

> Open LibreOffice writer and load/close a document using C#...
2 ответа
13 янв 2020

> Command `libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf test.docx...
6 ответов
7 сен 2021

> Building libreoffice gives an error and I don't know how to fix it
29 авг 2019

▶Libreoffice и тайловые wm (вроде бы баг, если кто-то...)›viewtopic.php?t=132532

Описание на багтрекере. По-русски: 1. Запускаем что-нибудь из состава
LibreOffice (например, calc). 2. Нажимаем на кнопку «формы», «заливка фона» или
«цвет шрифта».
21 июля 2012

▶Офис и Текст - [решено] Libre Office не работает...›post-3002401.html

...ExceptionFlags: 00000000 NumberParameters: 2 Parameter[0]: 00000000
Parameter[1]: ffffffff Attempt to read from address ffffffff.
7 февраля 2023
Selected: LibreOffice 7.5.1 for Windows. Прямая ссылка на 32-разрядную версию
16 февраля 2023

▶Can't run Libreoffice at all - Crash at the beginning - English›English

I’ve tried reinstalling java, I’ve reinstalled Libreoffice - nothing works. I’m
running Fedora 28, but the problems were already persistent running 27. # uname
-r 4.20.17-100.fc28.x86_64. Verbose looks like this: # libreoffice -v javaldx:
Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! Warning: failed to read path from
javaldx /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared
libraries: /lib64/ file too short. ... libreoffice -v
javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! Warning: failed to read
path from javaldx LibreOffice 00(Build:3). I’ve reinstalled all Java
and all libreoffice applications. dnf reinstall *java* dnf reinstall
*libreoffice* dnf reinstall *openjdk*.

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