--- Comment #7 from Regina Henschel <> ---
The LineCallout1 has one handle at the tip of the line and a second handle near
the rectangle. You can control the coordinates for both in the last page of the
Position&Size dialog. The handle at the tip is "Control Point 1", the handle
near the rectangle is "Control Point 2". The values in the field are relative
to the top/left corner of the rectangle.

When you first open the dialog, the field values do not show the actual
positions. When you change the values in the "Control Point 2" fields the point
moves to another position and still has the feature, that dragging the point
moves the rectangle but keeps the tip of the line at its place.

That does not work for LineCallout2 because the dialog has not enough fields.
We should extend the dialog to contain all the handles of a shape. That would
be an improvement for other shapes with more than two handles as well. [see
also bug 145969 about improvements for that dialog.]

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