--- Comment #3 from tim <> ---
The attached file did not fix the problem. There are a couple of issues with
that file. If you look carefully, you will find that the file has 61 pages, but
the last page says it is page 64. So the conversion to PDF left the blank pages
out. Also, the original file had only 58 pages, including blank pages, so the
ODT file did not export properly. It looks like it changed all of the fonts.
(Note: I sent the ODT file with embedded fonts. It should have opened properly
with 58 pages, but I might have done something wrong there.)

None-the-less, you can see the problem in the file you created. You will see on
page 59 (labeled page 62) that there are no comments in the margin. There
should be three comments there. This page corresponds with the original ODT
file page 56, which has three comments. So, despite the fact that the page
numbers and fonts are mess up, you can see that the problem still exists.

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