--- Comment #13 from ---
Further to this report:

If I use the Edit; Links to External Files and use the Modify button, I can
select the same named file in the current directory BUT clicking Insert
(closing the Modify dialog) take me back to the Links to External Files dialog,
which still shows the full path as being my $HOME/Documents/ rather than the
actual directory. 

If I close the Links to External Files dialog and reopen it that linked file is
now shown as being in the correct location, but the other files are still shown
as being in my $HOME/Documents/. 

If I now save the file, restart LOCalc and open the spreadsheet again, I STILL
get the error on opening, from the file where I previously selected that file
in my data directory- the error says it is in my $HOME/Documents/ along with
the others I did not change.  And going back to the Links to External Files
dialog, this file is still shown there as being in my $HOME/Documents/

So I really do not believe this bug report should be closed without a fix.

What more information can I supply to help the team find the error? 


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