Hello all,

This summer I will be working on an iOS application which allows users to
control their slide shows right from their iOS devices. A complete proposal
and estimated timetable is

Currently I've implemented back-end communication functionalities like
connections managements, command interpreter/transmitter, servers
management etc. Besides, I've also started iPhone UI design&implementation.
(you can find GUI mockups
The code is available at libreoffice/ios/iosremote on the master branch.
Back-end code is in the Communication folder. The build is based on iOS5.0
and tested on iPhone simulator and my old iPad1 :P.

I'm relatively new to iOS development so I will absolutely need to learn
more about iOS programming practices. Please feel free to take a look at
the code and let me know where I can do better. The current implementation
is not yet fully functional. It can add/remove servers, handle connections
and respond correctly to connection error, pairing with Impress and start a
presentation. I am now working on the presentation control pad now so
hopefully it can be functional before next week. I will let you know once
it's ready for more tests.

Finally, you can follow my progress on this feed:
http://siqi43.wordpress.com/category/gsoc-2013/feed or contact me on IRC
(nickname: siqi)

All the best!


Siqi LIU

Étudiant Ingérieur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Vice-Président de l'association robotique UTCoupe
Responsable d'atelier de ClubChine

  Tel. +33 7 61 16 95 83
  email: m...@siqi.fr
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