Hi All,

So it looks like we have at least 5 people from North America who are interested in participating so I say let's do it.

I think Friday, August 2nd at 15:00 (EST) seems to work for everyone but please correct me if I'm wrong. Do we prefer IRC or make it a bit more personal with Google Hangout and we can get a talkyoo line open ? I prefer the latter but if everyone just wants to chat that sounds good.

So tentatively:

Date: August 2nd, 2013
Time: 1500 (EST) so for those on the west coast we're talking Noon :) If I must I'll translate that to GMT/UTC but....I seem to get that wrong often ;)

@Robinson - can we get a tentative agenda going - you and I can give an update and maybe get a few things together that we could use help with - see if we can get some volunteers to help us with some of the load :)

For anyone thinking about joining - please do - we're a friendly bunch, if we could pop open a beer in a pub and do it live we would but distance prevents this so as a second best.... feel free to have a beer on hangout, it'll be casual ;)

Warm Regards,
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