Hi All,

Due to problems with attaching the field to attach attachments with isn't displayed at all and currently it is not possible to attach anything at all.

If a attachment is needed he/she can attach it as a reply on the email.
It would be great if somebody can create a bug for this in FDO (component WWW)

Rob Snelders

On 08-08-13 19:28, Robinson Tryon wrote:
On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:11 PM, Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:

So the reporter just sent a mail to the list that he didn't find how to
attach a document to the form. I can't test this evening but will do
tomorrow and send you my feedback.

I just took a quick look at the BSA code, and it looks like the
attachment isn't making it into the email:

state_submit: function() {
   // blah, blah, blah
   // blah, blah, blah
   if ($.bug.BSALang == 'en') {
     form.attr('action', $.bug.url + '/post_bug.cgi');
   } else {
     // blah, blah, blah
     form.attr('action', locarray.join("/") + '/mail.php');

Because the BSA is only in EN and FR right now, mail.php is customized
just for French. It looks like we're currently just including a few of
the fields in the email, and no attachments:

  $body = "Bonjour,\n\nIl y a une nouvelle soumission de bug déposée en
français. L'un d'entre vous peut-il le confirmer ou le traduire pour
  $body = $body."Composant: ".check_input($_POST["component"])."\n";
  $body = $body."Version: ".check_input($_POST["version"])."\n";
  $body = $body."Keywords: ".check_input($_POST["keywords"])."\n";
  $body = $body."Sujet: ".check_input($_POST["short_desc"])."\n";
  $body = $body."Description longue: ".check_input($_POST["comment"])."\n";
  $body = $body."\n\nMerci de nous aider,\nBSA";

Thanks for your quick answer :)

you're welcome -- thanks for testing-out the BSA mail-to-list implementation :-)

Looks like we need to do something about attachments (either add
support for them in mail.php or disable that part of the form for the
FR BSA). Thoughts?

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