On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:04:10 +0100, Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

Last week I sent out an email congratulating the team for getting the
bug count down to 1,1,24 unconfirmed bugs (this was down nearly 100 in
just a couple weeks).

Well, thanks to some incredible effort by members of the team, we're now
down to 987 bugs - in just 3 days (yes, 3) we've dropped the number by
nearly 150 bugs. We've also handled a ton of the really old unconfirmed
bugs which is great.

This being said, we're always looking for new volunteers - a few new
people have joined in the last month or so and we could still use
another 20 probably. So if you're on the fence and thinking "I'd like to
contribute" -- really now's the time, and just to reiterate -- _no
programming skills are needed_ :)

Warmest Regards,

as said in a previous mail to the list:

open this link and scroll to bottom of the page):

the UNCONFIRMED bug count is again below 1000.
many thanks to all the QA volunteers who helped reaching this goal.

I think that the QA team should monitor all the other figures of the first column (which is about all open bugs).

actually the situation is:

NEW ----------> 6095
ASSIGNED ----->  168
REOPENED ----->  350
NEEDINFO ----->  913
TOTAL    -----> 8513

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