On 23.4.2016 12:24, m.a.riosv wrote:
Test: Ok.

    - F4 with 'Key binding - Defaul'
    - Shift+F4 'Key binding -  OpenOffice.org Legacy keybindings'

OS:            Win10x64
Processor:     IC i3 CPU M 330 @2.13GHz
Graphics:      AMD M Radeon HD 5000 v15.11

LibreOffice options:

    - Memory - Graphics cache default 64 MB
    - OpenGL - Enable.

Build ID: 902b28a39528b6c92602e9b521a1d0861be1caf9
CPU Threads: 4; OS Version: Windows 6.2; UI Render: default;

Miguel Ángel.

Hello Miguel,
great work! You should also set bug to status "verified"

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