Hi Mirek, all,

Mirek M. wrote (09-11-12 11:53)
Hi Cor, and sorry for taking so long to respond.

No problem. Me takes long time too often.

This response is preliminary anyway, as our IRC meeting should be the place
where we make these decisions, so take it with a grain of salt.

OK. Also when I do not join, I just trust that my ideas may contribute to discussion/choices.

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Cor Nouws <oo...@nouenoff.nl> wrote:
Mirek M. wrote (02-11-12 01:21)
On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Cor Nouws <oo...@nouenoff.nl wrote:


Well, here we go (I've skipped the ones that are mentioned earlier in this
thread, and those that I've no opinion/knowledge).

- Other user data
I would keep this with the other (First Name, Last Name) so 'Generic'

Even fax?

Still in use here and there, so yes.

- Help Agent
I would go for 'Generic'

Are you sure?
The help agent is kind of a bad copy of Clippy, and has been shown to be
annoying rather than helpful.

Then what is the use of hiding the option in Advanced (and turned off by default)? Than it would rather be a vote for removing completely (and slim the common.xcu a little more ;-) )

- Number of Undo Steps    'Unnecessary'
Interferers with memory usage which is an area with sometimes problems
(I've noticed on certain citrix installations)
So I would go for 'Advanced'.


- Icons in Menus        'Unnecessary'
It definitely can add to learning, if icons from toolbars are visible in
the menu too (and also I find it nice to see).
I would go for 'Generic'

It's always preferable to have one good default instead of yet another
The original decision was to use the OS default, which is usually the best
way to go, but now I can see how icons in menu bars can increase usability
quite a bit, so I would default to that instead, and put the option to turn
them off under "Advanced".
(Hopefully we'll discuss this on our IRC chat.)

Default ON + Advanced is a good idea, yes.

- Show preview of fonts / Show font history
         'Unnecessary' (Always enabled)
Fine for me, as the tech guys confirm that there are no technical reasons
for that (in certain circumstances)be


I see I should have written " if the tech guys confirm there are no reasons " (and not "as" ).
So my idea is Default ON + Advanced

- Graphics Output
   Use hardware acceleration and Use Anti-Aliasing
are in the same category for me: to watch for with certain use.

Can you elaborate?

See comments with previous option.

Having them available in one place is more logic to me.

- Selection
   Transparency (level)     'Unnecessary'
Ah well, it looks nice, so pls lets keep it!

Heh, you're right -- I don't know what I was thinking when we made this

I agree that the "inverse" option looks bad, and, in some cases, makes it
hard to see the selected text.
"Transparency level" is a bit of an overkill -- I'd at least get rid of
Are there any issues with having "Transparency" always enabled, though
(besides on high-contrast themes, where the default should be "inverse")?

Also, what prevents us from using the system default?

No idea if/how that can be aligned with system defaults. And I know some people that like to set it themselves..

-  Print / Reduce Print Data
All contextual.... Yes, but I know where those are set per company policy.
So as 'Generic' setting ...


- Paths / Templates
I would say 'Advanced'


-  Online Update
I would say 'Generic' for sure!

We were deciding between Contextual and Generic, as a while back a person
contacted us about putting update functionality into the About dialog. He
hasn't worked on it, so we're free to make the decision.

I agree Generic would be best.

I remember now that sysadmins would prefer to have influence on that setting. But if not already possible by an global deployed extension, that should be made possible.
So maybe default ON + Advanced is better..

- Load / Load user-specific settings with the document
I would say 'Advanced'


- Warn when not saving in ODF or default format   ' Advanced'
I would keep this with the other (Default file format) so 'Generic'

It'd be nice to get rid of this option altogether.
It "would be best to separate out cases where formatting is preserved and
where it is lost. For the former, a simple warning in the Save as dialog
should suffice. For the latter, it would be best to use a modal dialog both
after saving and saving as."

I remember some comment from a developer (which I can confirm) that it's rather impossible to have a reliable set of cases, for various formats too ..., where such a warning would be needed. (Better to spent time needed to achieve something in that directiong, for more QA & development ;-) )

- Spellcheck / Hypnenation
I would say 'Generic' for all those...


Thanks ! & Cheers,


 - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org
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