Hi Pedro!

Pedro wrote (06-09-13 10:58)

I disagree with both your points :)

 :\ ;)

Eating space: actually a side bar (optional) makes better use of screen
space on new screens which are widescreen. So the idea is to disable the
format toolbar (which becomes redundant) and use the horizontal space. Of
course for "old" 4:3 ratio screens it is better to use the top toolbars but
as long as it is *optional* each user can choose what is more convenient.

Yes, right nuancing of my initial writing (see the discussion on the UX list: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice-ux-advise/2013-September/002323.html )

Not promoting syles: actually styles are much more accessible. Instead of
having a floating bar with styles

  (The window Styles and formatting can be docked easily too.)

                              you just have the second button (from top)
on the right of the sidebar to switch to the style list... So in fact I
think it's a step forward in promoting styles :)

Hmm. Since it shows some more details of direct formatting, and in a more attractive way then in the tool bar, I am afraid that the possibly better visibility of styles alone is not enough. But I agree that there is a real opportunity for improving, thanks to the side bar!


 - Cor Nouws
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org
 - The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member
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