On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:27:13 +0100, Michel RENON wrote:
> I've been coding with C++ years ago, now i code mostly in PHP and Python 
> (OpenERP).
> I'm also interested in UX and ergonomics, and i've made a (not so
> complete) proposal for Renaissance project 

Cool, welcome. Always glad to receive suggestions, and even more people
helping to fix things. Since you know some C++, you could even help with
that. Don't be afraid, the time most of this C++ has been written was
when you were still coding in C++. :)

> And in which category of "easy hacks" should I insert them ?

Easy Hacks are usually pretty specific in terms of coding activity. But
do file your requests as bugs on bugs.freedesktop.org, it is easier to
work through them one-by-one.
> * MacOS : cursor visibility :
> when I type some text, mouse pointer should be hidden (the arrow or the 
> I-beam).
> It's a standard behaviour on Mac since... 1984 !

Apparently our Mac OSX gui gets very little love. One person has
repeatedly asked to remove the pinstripes in the dialogs too. Perhaps
this is something to get involved with?

> - add a menu "Save a copy as..."
Isn't that the same as the "Export" menu?

> ====================================================
> - today, when you want to insert a spreadsheet or draw object in writer, 
> you have to do :
> select menu "Insert" > "Object" > "OLE object", then choose a line in a 
> dialog !
> It should be much simpler ! most people don't know what "OLE" means.

Wholeheartedly agreed!


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