> I shall touch base with you on the IRC and will implement all the
> tweaks as you suggest. If there are any best practices wiki link,
> please guide me to that :)
> > There are one or two other things that could benefit from looking
> > into, e.g. the usage of the worker thread - I think that may not be
> > needed anymore, with XSystemShellExecute not blocking.
> >
> Yes, that might work as well. Should I try this and resend the patch
> or should I wait for your other suggestions as well ?
> Also is this the right time to apply for the FOSDEM paper or should I
> wait some more time for the patch to mature ?
Hi Suren,

so, just pushed your patches to master - added two tweaks:
* FileChangedChecker moved out to
* and to make it not rely on writer internals, using a generic
  callback mechanism from boost (the boost::function0 you see there) 
  - that works by stuffing a little container into it, that holds
  the filename and SwWrtShell pointer, and just gets executed by
  FileChangeChecker the same as the
  ExternalProcessClass_Impl::CloseEvent was before.

What do you think of this change?

And of course great work so far, would thus be cool if you could
keep improving it - maybe add it for the other applications as 
well? ;)


-- Thorsten

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