
still trying to learn a bit the code. Compiling without DEBUG on gives
some new warnings:- ) This lead me to look at some code construct. Here
is in pseudo-code a typical construct I am crossing:

var y = ....;
var x = ....;
if ( y > MAXVALUE)
    ASSERT(x, "out of range"); // only use of var x is here
} // there is no else statement

Looking at easy hacks, I also saw that ASSERT is deprecated. I have
looked at the OSL macros, but did not found an equivalent of
ASSERT(condition, message) (defined in

But further, this is not very useful for the end-user, since LibO is
shipped without debug-level on. (right? )

So I was thinking:
* either a macro exists to do a "hello user, I will crash. Thanks to
send this report", that is added within the if statement.  ??

* or to change the code to something like:
var y = ...;
var x = ...; /* if this is not possible to insert x below, and the
                initialization of x does not change any state */

    if ( y > MAXVALUE)
        ASSERT(x, "txt"); // only use of var x is here
    } // there is no else statement

to avoid shipping unneeded code to end-user. This will also make code
execution more efficient, avoiding dummy branches.

By the way:
what is the right way to achieve the goal of the easy hack : align
ASSERT (& friends) macro foo ?

include /ure/sal/inc/osl/diagnose.h in file, and use only OSL_Debug
macros loosing all messages? Is it possible to add an additional
OSL_ASSERT(condition, message) macro? Or not wanted?

Thanks for your inputs.

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