
A user reported a problem using Base Form design toolbars using Arch
Linux - Checked with, and no problems found using, Ubuntu 10.10 (64bit),
OpenSuse 11.2 (32bit) [gnome & KDE], Windows XP

Using a build of OpenSUSE 11.3, XCfe and LibreOffice RC1 the problems
show up.

Using the same system, odb and form in runtime mode, still can not open
the design and control toolbars - the Form Navigator now shows all
available buttons and they function properly.

Can't say for sure if it is OpenSUSE 11.3 as built by the Studio web
service or XCfe, I'm guessing it's the XCfe window manager I suppose.

Didn't see anything in the LibO bugzilla. 

Does anyone know off hand if this is already reported in one of the
others - if not I'll go ahead and open an issue.



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