Michael Meeks wrote:
>       Riight; interesting. Ultimately XSLT requires a DOM to operate on, so I
> suppose if we get SAX events from OO.o, we will need to map these to
> libxml's nodes.
>       I believe we already have code to do this in
> xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/saxhelper.cxx / .hxx - which essentially uses
> libxmlsec (built on libxml2) to do document signing as of now [ AFAIR
> etc. ].
>       Perhaps we can re-use some nice chunks of code from there ?
Hm, just getting a DOM tree is even easier - instantiate a
"com.sun.star.xml.dom.DocumentBuilder" service & off you go - 

unoxml/source/dom/documentbuilder.cxx has the implementation, see
CDocumentBuilder::parseURI() for the internal workings.


-- Thorsten

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