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On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 21:38:33 -0800, imacat <> wrote:

Octavio Alvarez said:
On Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:52:51 -0800, imacat <>
% bin/ooinstall
I suggest "make dev-install" instead. Your install gets symlinked and you
don't have to reinstall after each compile.

    Oh, I see.  By the way, why "make install" does not work?  Is it in
the to-do list, or is it to be removed?

No. You may use it if you want. I was just suggesting make dev-install
for a development environment.

    But how can I update the downloaded source?  Do I need to download
all the 4.4GB source whenever I want to update it?
./g pull

    But there is no such "./g".  Also, the source root is not a git
repository, too.  Did I missed something?

When you cloned the bootstrap repository you get ./g. May be you did
something in a wrong way. Cloning bootstrap is the very first step.

You will get a "bootstrap" directory. I did this under $HOME:

mkdir src
cd src
mkdir libreoffice
cd libreoffice
git clone ... blah blah blah/bootstrap
cd bootstrap

You end up with $HOME/src/libreoffice/bootstrap/ under which is ./g

And also, how do I know the revision number of the downloaded source?
You might want to try ./g log, which will give you the last commit
for each repo.

    But, again, there is no "./g" to run. ^^;

Same as above. If you don't have ./g you did something wrong.


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