On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Tor Lillqvist <tlillqv...@novell.com> wrote:
>> We can always hide the cmd window, it's easy ;)
> You mean *console* window. No cmd.exe involved when running a "console" exe 
> from a "gui" exe (unless it is specifically cmd.exe that you run), even if a 
> console window shows up. And indeed, it is trivial to build the program to be 
> run as a gui exe instead, a single linker switch.
> At least you didn't say DOS window;)

Wouldn't be the first time that I have to capture the handle of a DOS
window and then send a SW_HIDE message to it ;)

But yes, you are absolutely right.

Jesús Corrius <je...@softcatala.org>
Document Foundation founding member
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