Hi Cedric, 

thanks a lot for the intro. 

Am 13.04.2011 um 09:52 schrieb "Cedric Bosdonnat" <cbosdon...@novell.com>:

> Then the code for the filter is sitting in two places:
>  * import is in the writerfilter module
>  * export sits in sw/source/filter/ww8
> There are quite some bugs on that and they aren't necessarily easy to
> handle. A nice start would be to fix some of the differences between
> OOXML ISO standard and OOXML Ecma v1 standard: those differences often
> include easy to hack things.
Ok, thanks. 
> If you have questions, feel free to ping me on IRC; my nick is
> cbosdonnat.
Ok, I'll try that. What times are best in general to get you on irc?
> Regards,
> --
> Cedric Bosdonnat
Thanks and regards,
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