Updated Laurent`s eMail address in MsgBox.

Am Mittwoch, den 20.04.2011, 23:51 +0200 schrieb Timo:
> Hi,
> I don´t know where the master is and how the scp2-directory works. Here
> is a diff from debians mailmerge.py. mailmerge.py.diff is licensed under
> LGPLv3+. The license text for MsgBox is inside the file.
> Within debian libreoffice obviously never uses the built in python. 
> Note that now python errors are displayed twice on the GNU OS. I suggest
> that libreoffice shall be modified so that there will be only one
> message. Also once upon a time an error box shall be implemented in
> pythonscript.py so that it can be used for python errors from all
> plugins. 
> regards,
> Timo
> Am Mittwoch, den 20.04.2011, 15:48 +0100 schrieb Michael Meeks:
> > Hi Timo,
> > 
> > On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 17:50 +0200, Timo wrote:
> > > Maybe this task should be moved to “completed”?
> > > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Easy_Hacks#Make_python_.2F_mail-merge_debuggable
> > 
> >     I read your last mail, and I was not certain that it is working :-) so
> > sadly the code didn't get merged.
> > 
> >     Do you think you could re-send your code as a patch vs. master: with
> > the new msgbox.py file added ? we should also have a patch for scp2/ to
> > install the new python file too (git grep for mailmerge.py in there).
> > Also good to add [PATCH] to the Subject to get some priority review :-)
> > [ also confirm the LGPLv3+/MPL license ].
> > 
> > > > MessageBoxButtons as well as XSCRIPTCONTEXT do not exist for me. Python
> > > > doesn´t find them and they are documented as “not published” [1]. 
> > 
> >     Did you get over this ? presumably you are running this using the
> > python embedded with libreoffice, rather than some external python ?
> > 
> > > > [3] see screenshot Bildschirmfoto.png
> > 
> >     Looks nice :-)
> > 
> >     Great work,
> > 
> >             Michael.
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> LibreOffice mailing list
> LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice

> from com.sun.star.awt import WindowDescriptor
> from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import MODALTOP
> import MsgBox
> def showError(ctx,text):
> 		box = MsgBox.MsgBox(ctx)
> 		box.addButton("OK")
> 		box.renderFromBoxSize(400)
> 		box.numberOfLines = 10
> 		box.show(text,0,"Error")
> 		exit(1)	
< 		self.server.sendmail(sendermail, truerecipients, msg.as_string())
> 		try:
> 			self.server.sendmail(sendermail, truerecipients, msg.as_string())
> 		except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused as inst:
> 			msg = ""
> 			for key,val in inst.recipients.iteritems():
> 				msg+=val[1]+"\n"
> 			showError(self.ctx,msg)
> 		except Exception as inst:
> 			showError(self.ctx,str(inst))
> 		#except smtplib.SMTPException:
# -*- encoding: iso-8859-15 -*-
#   The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
#   the following license
#          - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
#   GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
#   =============================================
#   Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
#   901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
#   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
#   MA  02111-1307  USA
#   The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Laurent Godard <listes.god...@laposte.net>
#   All Rights Reserved.
#   Contributor(s): 

#prepare pythoin environnement - Add the path of this class
from os import path
from sys import modules
from sys import path as syspath
#print modules
#the_path = path.dirname (path.abspath (modules["__main__"].__file__))
#print the_path
#print syspath

#pyUNO program itself
import uno, unohelper

# UNO GUI toolkit
from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import TOP, SIMPLE
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import STANDARD as standard
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import OK as ok
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import CANCEL as cancel
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import HELP as help
from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import CENTER as center
from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import LEFT as left
from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import RIGHT as right

# used UNO listeners
from com.sun.star.awt import XActionListener

class MsgBox(unohelper.Base):
    """Inspect UNO object, link to sdk and recusrsive calls"""

    def __init__(self, aContext):
        """acontext : a Valid UNO context
        self.VERSION = '0.1'
        self.ctx = aContext
        self.smgr = aContext.ServiceManager
        # UI Dialog object
        # List of openned Listeners
        #UI parameters
        self.ButtonSize = 50
        self.boxSize = 200
        self.lineHeight = 10
        self.fromBroxSize = False
        self.numberOfLines = -1

        self.Buttons = []
        self.Response = ''
    #                 GUI definition                    #
    def _createBox(self):
        """Create the Box"""
    #computes parameters of the message dialog
        if self.numberOfLines == -1:
            numberOfLines = len(self.message.split(chr(10)))
            numberOfLines = self.numberOfLines    
        numberOfButtons = len(self.Buttons)#2 
        self.ButtonSpace = self.ButtonSize/2   
        if self.fromBroxSize:
            #button size is calculated from boxsize
            size = (2 * self.boxSize) / (3 * numberOfButtons + 1)
            self.ButtonSize = size
            self.ButtonSpace = self.ButtonSize/2   
            #boxsize i calculated form buttonsize
            self.boxSize = numberOfButtons * (self.ButtonSize + 
                                            self.ButtonSpace) + self.ButtonSpace
    #create the dialog model and set the properties
        dialog_model = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
        dialog_model.PositionX = 50
        dialog_model.Step = 1
        dialog_model.TabIndex = 7
        dialog_model.Width = self.boxSize#numberOfButtons * (self.ButtonSize + 
                             #               self.ButtonSpace) + 25
        dialog_model.Height = 10 + self.lineHeight * numberOfLines + 10 + 12  + 10
        dialog_model.PositionY = 63
        dialog_model.Sizeable = True
        dialog_model.Closeable = False

        dialog = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(

    # label Label0
        label = dialog_model.createInstance(
        label.PositionX =  10
        label.TabIndex = 9
        label.Width = dialog_model.Width - label.PositionX 
        label.Height = self.lineHeight* numberOfLines
        label.PositionY = 10
        label.Align = left
        label.MultiLine = True
        label.Label = self.message
        dialog_model.insertByName('Label0', label)
        nb = 0
        for buttonName in self.Buttons:
            nb +=1
            button = dialog_model.createInstance(
            button.PositionX = nb * self.ButtonSpace + (nb-1)* self.ButtonSize
            button.TabIndex = 8
            button.Height = 12
            button.Width = self.ButtonSize
            button.PositionY = 10 + label.Height + 10
            button.PushButtonType =  standard
            if nb == 1:
                button.DefaultButton =  True
                button.DefaultButton =  False                
            button.Label = buttonName
            dialog_model.insertByName('Btn' + str(nb), button )

        if not dialog.getModel():

    #UNO toolkit definition
        toolkit = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
        a_rect = uno.createUnoStruct( 'com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle' )
        a_rect.X = 50
        dialog.setTitle ( self.title )
        a_rect.Width = 270
        a_rect.Height = 261
        a_rect.Y = 63
        win_descriptor = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.WindowDescriptor')
        win_descriptor.Type = TOP
        win_descriptor.ParentIndex = -1
        win_descriptor.Bounds = a_rect
        peer = toolkit.createWindow( win_descriptor )
        dialog.createPeer( toolkit, peer )

        return dialog

#    ##########################

    def _addListeners(self):
        """Add listeners to dialog"""
        nb = 0
        for buttonName in self.Buttons:
            nb +=1
            a_control = self.dialog.getControl('Btn'+str(nb))
            the_listener = ButtonListener(self)
            self.lst_listeners['Btn'+str(nb)] = the_listener


#    ###########################

    def _removeListeners(self):
        """ remove listeners on exiting"""
        nb = 0
        for buttonName in self.Buttons:
            nb +=1
            a_control = self.dialog.getControl('Btn'+str(nb))


#    ###########################
    def show(self, message, decoration, title):
        self.message = message
        self.decoration = decoration
        self.title = title
        # Create GUI
        self.dialog = self._createBox()
        #execute the dialog --> blocking call
        #end --> release listeners and dispose dialog
        return self.Response        
    def addButton(self, caption):
    def renderFromBoxSize(self, size = 150):
        self.boxSize = size
        self.fromBroxSize = True
    def renderFromButtonSize(self, size = 50):
        self.ButtonSize = size
        self.fromBroxSize = False

class ButtonListener(unohelper.Base, XActionListener):
    """Stops the MessageBox, sets the button label as returned value"""
    def __init__(self, caller):
        self.caller = caller

    def disposing(self, eventObject):

    def actionPerformed(self, actionEvent):
        button = actionEvent.Source
        self.caller.Response = button.Model.Label

### TEST
if __name__ == '__main__':       
    # get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime
    localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
    # create the UnoUrlResolver
    resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
                    "com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver", localContext )
    # connect to the running office
    # OOo has to be launched in listen mode as 
    # ./soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"
    ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" )
    myBox = MsgBox(ctx)  
    myBox.numberOflines = 2
    print myBox.show("Un message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligne" + chr(10)+chr(10)+"tes-vous d'accord ?",0,"Titre de la boite")        

    myBox = MsgBox(ctx)  
    myBox.numberOflines = 2
    print myBox.show("Un message sur une ligne",0,"Titre de la boite")        

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