Hi folks,

with the design team (and the UX people, as part of that), and the
hackers mostly working on separate lists, we thought it would be
helpful to provide a low-traffic, easy-to-post-to third list, where
interested parties of either side can meet - the list 

 * is unmoderated, i.e. you can post without subscribing
 * does not change Reply-To, so you're free to use that according to
   your needs
 * draft list topic: "Meeting ground for hackers and UX experts -
   get advise here for user experience questions"

It would be great if people working on UI-relevant hacks could give
a quick shout there - and conversely, it would be cool if a few UX
experts could monitor that list, funnel the question to the design
list & get back with some actionable results.

The list address is: libreoffice-ux-adv...@lists.freedesktop.org

(see also


-- Thorsten

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