Hello all,

Regarding the "MHST" that we have proposed 2 months ago[1],
the good news is that our idea has been accepted and three students will
join the fun!

Well, now I want you ask/confirm some points.

1. The students want to work with some standalone app
However, IMO, working on adding a new feature to the LibO will be more fun.
Please let me know how do you think.

2. We need a list of the ideas registered to GSoC[2]
so that we can pick an idea (a task for this summer)

3. New ideas that are not in the list [2] are OK, too :)


[1] http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2011-April/010673.html
[2] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Gsoc/Ideas

Nguyen Vu Hung (Nguye^~n Vu~ Hu+ng)
LibreOffice, Vietnamese Translation Team.

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