Hi all,

We are gearing-up to a migration of our git repos, to consolidate most
of them into one.

This will impact everybody, but particularly people with push privilege.

I intend to, in addition to posting to the ML, to send you email,
directly, to inform you of planned event and deadline you need to be
aware of.
I anticipate that this would be 5 emails total. 1 two weeks before the
scheduled migration, another one 1 week before the migration, one on
the day of the migration, one when the current 'master' is taken
and one when the new master is online.

This can in theory be done by using the forwarding mechanism in place
at freedesktop connecting you fdo id to the email-of-record at
freedesktop for that id.

Still, I would like to encourage all of you to update
http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Developers with the
relevant information.
I would also ask that you try to send an email to
<yourid>@kemper.freedesktop.org and verify that you do receive that
test message (and make sure that it is not filtered out by any spam
filter you may have)

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