Hi Maciej,

On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 00:31 +0200, Maciej Rumianowski wrote:
> I picked up this bug and tried to get rid of SvULongs.

I'm the person who's been (slowly) picking away at this, so welcome to

> I found for example in ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc and thought it would be
> good to first write a unit test (since there are unit tests of calc).
> But I wasn't successful using ScImportExport::ImportStream and
> ScImportExport::ExportStream, which use Sylk2Doc.

Proper unit tests (as in testing a small piece of functionality) can be
difficult to set up in LO as a lot of stuff is quite tightly coupled.
You can very soon find yourself having to load up the majority of calc
(or writer etc.) to test a very small piece of code. This is not trivial
and I suspect this is the situation you're in.

Check the mailing list archives for the past couple of days - Caolan
McNamara made a post that gave some details about adding unit tests.
That included some examples that might help.

>Is it a right way I'm going to start develop LibreOffice or you what me
>somewhere else in code?

Anything listed on the EasyHacks page (or marked "EasyHack" in bugzilla)
is a good place to start. They're all relatively simple but once you've
done a couple you should have a good feel for how the work-flow goes on
this project and how the various components fit together. That will help
a lot when you try something more complex.


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