Hi Chris,

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 01:17:07PM +1100, Chris Sherlock 
<chris.sherloc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I noticed that there is some minor formatting capabilities on the
> docs.libreoffice.org website for readmes.
> e.g. http://docs.libreoffice.org/vcl.html shows headings, which uses
> Wikimedia style double-equals signs before and after the heading text.
> Are there any other formatting marks? If there are, are they documented
> anywhere?
> Also, what would the feasibility of using Markdown syntax, ala github.io?

As I noted on IRC, solenv/bin/mkdocs.sh takes care of processing these
README files. If you want to tweak the syntax there, please submit a
patch against mkdocs.sh (and ideally the same patch adjusting the
existing README files if the syntax is not backwards-compatible).



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