
I am currently unable to build LibreOffice on my Mac... I am not sure if
the problem arose from any modification on the project itself or some
external factor.

Although Xcode had an update recently, I think it was related to Swift

Here is the error I get:

/Users/renato/lo/core/sw/source/core/swg/SwXMLBlockImport.cxx:32:10: fatal
error: 'tokens.cxx' file not found
#include <tokens.cxx>
1 error generated.
make[1]: ***
Error 1

Searching for tokens.cxx gives me the following files:


Which I don't quite understand, why should I only find them in the workdir?
Is there any include path not configured properly, maybe, or something of
that sort?

Has anybody faced something similar, or could provide a better insight on
what is causing this?

Renato Ferreira.
LibreOffice mailing list

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