> Each time I write such an assertion, I add a comment about what was the
> old/wrong value, so in case you get 1999 instead of 2000, you have a
> chance to judge if the old rounding error is back or in fact the 1999 vs
> 2000 is not a big difference in this case. In this case, it says "the
> image become invisible", so hopefully you can easily just manually load
> and save the document and verify if on your machine the image becomes
> invisible in Word or not. :-)
I tried doing this, however I'm still having trouble simulating the test. I
figured out that the export is a Word export, and if I unzip it
word/document.xml contains what I want.

However, how does the export/import/export thing works? I tried loading the
.docx, saving it as .odt and exporting again, but unless I did something
wrong, I think I ended up with the same file...

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