bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/cpp2uno.cxx |   65 +++++++---------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fe7fa0baffe2cbc282eb3108be53762b919396c1
Author: David Tardon <>
Date:   Mon Apr 27 11:37:07 2015 -0400

    ppc64: do not use asm block to retrieve args
    Some versions of gcc clobber one of the registries that are used to pass
    arguments in the function's prologue, like:
    Dump of assembler code for function (anonymous 
    510     {
       0x00003fffaffe8454 <+0>:     mflr    r0
       0x00003fffaffe8458 <+4>:     std     r0,16(r1)
       0x00003fffaffe845c <+8>:     std     r29,-24(r1)
       0x00003fffaffe8460 <+12>:    std     r30,-16(r1)
       0x00003fffaffe8464 <+16>:    std     r31,-8(r1)
       0x00003fffaffe8468 <+20>:    stdu    r1,-352(r1)
       0x00003fffaffe846c <+24>:    mr      r31,r1
    => 0x00003fffaffe8470 <+28>:    ld      r8,-28688(r13)
       0x00003fffaffe8474 <+32>:    std     r8,312(r31)
       0x00003fffaffe8478 <+36>:    li      r8,0
    Reading the registries through variables makes gcc aware that they are
    used, so it does not touch them. It has got no negative effect on
    performance, as it produces the same object code as the current asm
    Change-Id: I3b99b0aa9944f9f33de9a42508e9d4dd23cec5e0

diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/cpp2uno.cxx 
index 0748d24..6b58246 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_powerpc64/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -510,49 +510,42 @@ static typelib_TypeClass cpp_mediate(
 extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutor( ... )
     sal_uInt64 gpreg[ppc64::MAX_GPR_REGS];
+    register long r3 asm("r3"); gpreg[0] = r3;
+    register long r4 asm("r4"); gpreg[1] = r4;
+    register long r5 asm("r5"); gpreg[2] = r5;
+    register long r6 asm("r6"); gpreg[3] = r6;
+    register long r7 asm("r7"); gpreg[4] = r7;
+    register long r8 asm("r8"); gpreg[5] = r8;
+    register long r9 asm("r9"); gpreg[6] = r9;
+    register long r10 asm("r10"); gpreg[7] = r10;
     double fpreg[ppc64::MAX_SSE_REGS];
     __asm__ __volatile__ (
-        "std 3,   0(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 4,   8(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 5,  16(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 6,  24(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 7,  32(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 8,  40(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 9,  48(%0)\t\n"
-        "std 10, 56(%0)\t\n"
-        "stfd 1,   0(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 2,   8(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 3,  16(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 4,  24(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 5,  32(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 6,  40(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 7,  48(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 8,  56(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 9,  64(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 10, 72(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 11, 80(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 12, 88(%1)\t\n"
-        "stfd 13, 96(%1)\t\n"
-    : : "r" (gpreg), "r" (fpreg)
-        : "r0", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11",
-          "fr1", "fr2", "fr3", "fr4", "fr5", "fr6", "fr7", "fr8", "fr9",
+        "stfd 1,   0(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 2,   8(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 3,  16(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 4,  24(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 5,  32(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 6,  40(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 7,  48(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 8,  56(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 9,  64(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 10, 72(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 11, 80(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 12, 88(%0)\t\n"
+        "stfd 13, 96(%0)\t\n"
+    : : "r" (fpreg)
+        : "fr1", "fr2", "fr3", "fr4", "fr5", "fr6", "fr7", "fr8", "fr9",
           "fr10", "fr11", "fr12", "fr13"
-    volatile long nOffsetAndIndex;
-    //mr %r3, %r11            # move into arg1 the 64bit value passed from OOo
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-                "mr     %0,    11\n\t"
-                : "=r" (nOffsetAndIndex) : );
-    volatile long sp;
+    register long r11 asm("r11");
+    const long nOffsetAndIndex = r11;
-    //stack pointer
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-                "mr     %0,    1\n\t"
-                : "=r" (sp) : );
+    register long r1 asm("r1");
+    const long sp = r1;
 #if defined(_CALL_ELF) && _CALL_ELF == 2
     volatile long nRegReturn[2];
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