On Fri, 2015-10-30 at 11:31 +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> Hi,
> There is patch attached to tdf#94069, nominally a rather annoying 
> Base UI bug (crash!), but which touches the VCL event loop (not 
> specific to Base) in a way that I don't understand the consequences 
> of

If I look at the behaviour in an older version of LibreOffice pre idle
tweaking then on moving that widget it "jumps" around a lot and is
shown rendering in the original location and then the new one and so
on. So it didn't really work right in the first place as far as I can

Looking at the UnoControl PushButton etc which don't suffer from this
problem I see that when setDesignMode is called for everything else
they set the "real" widget to hidden (it gets drawn via a different
mechanism than the real Paint in this case) so when its moved around it
doesn't generate Invalidate events.

So, I think the right solution may be to make the GridControl behave
like the other UnoControl widgets in that design mode turns off
visibility. So I've done that as
 a7816853bad55ada597092c16ba9a0a761e067d0 and it seems to work well.

I don't really "use" these things day to day, so testing appreciated
for this and follow up 44daaebf835bb60fb7e442e928cd30191f15af52 to
tweak how the grid control is laid out, to ensure I haven't busted
anything horribly.

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