(re-formatting the make output for clarity)

> [ build CXX ] o3tl/qa/cow_wrapper_clients
> R=c:/cygwin/home/Simon/git &&
> O=$R/libo/solver/wntmsci12.pro &&
> W=$R/libo/workdir/wntmsci12.pro &&
> S=$R/libo &&

Here the build mechanism sets some shell variables that will then be
used later on the same command line. (Yeah, weird, but apparently this
*is* a good idea, I don't know or recall the details.)

> mkdir -p $W/CxxObject/o3tl/qa/$W/Dep/CxxObject/o3tl/qa/ &&
> /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/bin/cl.exe

[...], looks fine so far

> -IC:/cygwin$O/inc/stl
> -IC:/cygwin$O/inc/external -IC:/cygwin$O/inc
> -IC:/cygwin$S/solenv/wntmsci12/inc
> -IC:/cygwin$S/solenv/inc
> -IC:/cygwin$S/res

But these are all screwed up, the $O and $S shell variables are not
expanded, and even if they were, they are used in locations that don't
make sense.

You are supposed to see -I flags with the $O and $S expanded. In your
case O=c:/cygwin/home/Simon/git/libo/solver/wntmsci12.pro and
S=c:/cygwin/home/Simon/git/libo as far as I can see).

For instance the first -I option there, -IC:/cygwin$O/inc/stl , would
with $O expanded be
which of course makes no sense.

There must be something wrong in the gbuild make function mechanisms
that mishandles your case. I wonder if it is the fact that you are
building in your home directory, does the fact that the build location
starts with c:/cygwin confuse some substitution pattern, or something?
I will try to investigate.

(To compare, I see the following corresponding output:

R=c:/ooo/git/master &&
O=$R/core/solver/wntmsci12 &&
W=$R/core/workdir/wntmsci12 &&
S=$R/core &&

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