On 09/15/2011 12:42 AM, julien2412 wrote:
I'm trying to open a quite big xls file (sorry, I'm allowed to publish it).
Here are the 4 types of error in logs :
Error: UniString::SearchAndReplaceAllAscii() - pAsciiStr include characters
127 From File
/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/tools/source/string/strascii.cxx at
Line 628
After some research to confirm first thought, some characters in the file
have an ascii code>  127 and LO doesn't like. Ok why not.

Error: UniString::SearchAscii() - pAsciiStr include characters>  127 From
/home/maryline/compile-libreoffice/libo/tools/source/string/strascii.cxx at
Line 566
not same line in the file but same error as above

But even if those complaints are about characters that actually originated in the xls file (instead of characters coming statically from the source code itself, a la some RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("non-ASCII-here") mistake), it is a mistake that the code thinks it should treat them as ASCII.

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