
You already are a "voluntary" informal mentor, like the rest of us, but thanks 
for volunteering.

The best way to help on a specific idea (like VCL challenges) is to become a 
mentor, so why not take the extra step and be registred as mentor, you can 
always be the second mentor on a project.

I have learned the word "cluttered" can be dangerous, because the more you do 
in private, the more you have to repeat several times :-)

jan i.

If there is a way of being an informal mentor on VCL, I?d be happy to be 
available :-)
Anyone who has any questions can ping me on IRC, if I can help then my nick is 
chris_wotMostly I encourage folks to discuss with me in the open, but I?m often 
willing to have a private conversation so the channel doesn?t get cluttered.
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