More than one year has passed since my announcement on this list: [1]
that upstream Gerrit supports inline edit feature, meant changing the
code directly in browser without clonning/fetching anything. Yesterday,
the right Gerrit version was deployed on gerrit.l.o.

Meantime, inline edit feature supports different workflows and
navigation to the integrated editor with syntax highlighting is offered
on many places in the UI. This documentation page: [2] was added to
Gerrit that is dedicated to inline edit feature. I also gave a talk
during FOSDEM 2015 and last Hamburg hackathon how to use this feature:
[3]. (Note, that not all features, mentioned in this talk are supported
on 2.11.7 version deployed on gerrit.l.o. Some of them only available
on recent released gerrit version, 2.12.1, or even master).

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