On 10/05/2011 10:11 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 05.10.2011 22:02, Maciej Rumianowski wrote:
Dnia 2011-10-05, śro o godzinie 17:35 +0200, Lubos Lunak pisze:
On Wednesday 05 of October 2011, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

That would allow you to convert the pO->GetData() to something like
po->data(), instead of&(*pO)[0] (and similar) used on many places...

  That same would be allowed by
class bytes : public std::vector<sal_uInt8>
const sal_uInt8* data() const { return&front(); }
So if it is desired solution I can modify Patches?

why not just use "&po->front()" directly instead, that's nicer than
&(*po)[0] and no need to introduce a class just for this IMHO.

&v[0] has become something of a standard idiom, I'd say. So, personal taste mostly.

Btw, &v[0] (as well as &v.front()) are only valid if !v.empty() -- but (without checking it in detail right now) I guess the patch already takes account of that, Maciej?

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