hi Knut,

On 13/10/11 12:09, Knut Olav Bøhmer wrote:

Why is it that some properties on some objects/services are not settable
from BASIC?
Like for example
= True" has no effect
Is it some way to "fix" it?

it looks like this property only has an effect with DDE links, not file links: see lcl_UpdateLinkType in sw/source/core/unocore/unosect.cxx

are you using DDE? IIRC this works only on Windows?

I'm also trying to set
oDoc.getTextSections().getByName("sectionName").FileLink.FileURL, but
it's also not possible.

Am i doing it the wrong way?

seems the FileLink is some UNO struct.

the following seems to work:

dim l as new com.sun.star.text.SectionFileLink
l.FileURL = "file:///tmp/foo.odt"

this then seems to remove the link again:

l.FileURL = ""

I remember I've had this problem before, long time ago. I think I was
trying to set some properties on a hyperlink.
Can we take some action to fix this kind of issues?

well, basic has a horrible syntax that i find impossible to remember.
perhaps you have the same problem :)

Would it help to write my addons in C++? Or would that not make a

hmm... C++ also has a horrible syntax... choose your poison :)


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